Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekly Reflection--Whitney Anderson

Today was an exciting day I really enjoyed learning about surveys because I think taking surveys is fun! Spreadsheets are very useful in doing grades or any kind of data that needs to be input, it is also so nice to have all of the different formulas provided because that allows you to calculate anything you need to in a quick and efficient way. I have used spreadsheets in many of the jobs I have held and can see the usefulness for teachers as they need a way to organize data especially the students grades.

Surveys are a valuable tool that I would not have readily thought of. They are a great way to involve parents in the class, get students input, get to know the students/parents, or even give a quiz to the students. Surveys don't take very long but if done right can provide a lot of valuable information. How wonderful to have feedback from parents and students about how they feel about the class and my teaching. I have been in many classes where I would have liked to take a survey on the class where I could give my input as to how I learn best and what type of teaching works best for me. Online quizzes are always nice for me because I can do it on my own time and typing is a faster way for me to communicate my ideas than just writing them out. It was easy to see the information of the people who took my survey and the results were immediate. So check out my survey here!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekly Reflection--Whitney Anderson

Wow today I gained a lot of new knowledge and useful tools to use in creating documents. Word processing is a tool that I use all of the time, and I believe it will be an essential skill to teach my students. Our world requires the ability to process documents through the computer for almost any job or profession. The regular Microsoft Word was mostly just a review to me, except for learning more about the editing tools. The editing tools will be great to use with my students because I will be able to see exactly what they changed.

Google Docs was awesome and will be such a useful tool for me today as a college student and even more for the future with my students. Even today in college I like to have my mom read through and edit my papers, we usually transfer copy after copy of my assignment. Using Google Docs will leave it in a central place with one copy and save a lot of transferring and hassle. Our students will need these word processing skills especially in a work environment. It is a great way to have students collaborate on projects and will help make group work be more efficient. They could even edit stories with other schools from across the country or across the world which would be such a neat experience.

This just reaffirms to me that our students need access to computers not only at school but in their home environment, I don't want them to miss out on what is available to them. We are robbing our students of valuable things when we take technology out of their education. We as teachers are advocates for students and their families and helping them obtain access to technology is a worthy cause to fight for. I think about my practicum experience and how little those children were exposed to technology and I think about how much they could have benefited from learning things like Google Docs. They would hand write their stories and then type them up on a computer, yet they could have learned much more by actually composing it with Microsoft Word or Google Docs working with each other and editing as they composed.